Showing posts with label Hello Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hello Poetry. Show all posts

Sunday 10 October 2021



I don't want to be awake anymore
so I keep rehearsing my death.
Ask for my plan
and I will give you more detail
than what you think is safe.
Every night I pray for mortality;
for a life that ends.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

If you were told

If you were told
you have to live your life
all over again,
without changing a single thing,
would you be happy or sad? 

Saturday 8 February 2020

Your Story

Come sit with me
for a while
and I'll tell you
your story.
It won't take long.
I've watched from afar
and have stood by your side.
I know all the details: 

the hollow dreams
the heartfelt wishes
the prayers
the loneliness

I'm the only one
who understands;
the only one
who has shared your burden

Come sit with me 
Share my blanket,
throw it over your shoulders
and melt into it's warm embrace.

Soon it'll all be over.
Your ears will rush
then fall silent.
Your thoughts will scatter
then disappear.
Your mind will clench
and then relax
and in that moment
that very last moment,
your story will end.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Cognitive constriction

I'll wait here
hidden behind your happy thoughts,
biding my time
while you smile and laugh.
I mingle in your every breath.
and feel your air rush through my fingers
knowing that one day
I will close my fist.
No one will see it coming.
Not even you.
Only in the moment
of cognitive constriction
will you realize
it's finally over. 

Saturday 8 June 2019


I set a goal for myself,
to write one word today,
nothing ambitious
or profound,
just one word
to start again,
just one word
to show the way.


Saturday 8 December 2018


Where have all the butterflies gone?
What happened to the thrill of living;
That breathless anticipation
Fluttering inside my chest.

Where did it go?
Why did they leave?

Happiness or hope

Which is better
happiness or hope?
Can you have one
without the other?

Sunday 2 December 2018

I want to feel worthwhile

I want to feel worthwhile
I want a peaceful mind
that turns away from suicide.

I want life to be
my greatest accomplishment,
not death.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The bully within

Were you bullied as a kid?

I'm asked that often.
I'm not really sure why.

I know my dad was.
I know my best friend was
along with many others,
but I myself was never directly bullied.

I watched in silence
as others were attacked.
Empathy would surge through my veins
but never with enough courage to help.
I internalized what I saw
shared in the shame and tears,
all the while doing my best to blend in
so as not to be the next target.

I succeeded.
I was never bullied by another.

Over the years though
I became
my own worst enemy.
Using the cruel words of others
I have bullied myself to the edge.
Relentless in his criticism,
ruthless with his words
the bully within
has cut me down
again and again
draining me of my worth
and self compassion.

I just want it to stop.

I just want the bully to go away.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Lots of people have helped me

Lots of people have helped me
but none have truly healed me.
I guess that's more my failing
than theirs.
They can give me
all the tools in the world,
but if I don't use them
it is my fault I fail.

I don't believe in the devil

I don't believe in the devil
but I hear his voice every night
whispering in my ear,
"Do it,
win or lose,
just do it."

My grip on the bed sheets
is all that keeps me safe.

The possibilities of the moment

Living is not about creating the future
or fixing the past.
It's about opening yourself up
to the possibilities of the moment.

Always been there

It's something 
that has always been there
waiting for my heart to open
so it can rush in to fill the void.

What can I say?

What can I say?
What can I possibly say
That will make any sense?
I am living a lie,
tapping words into my phone
that are selfish
and cruel,
all the while smiling
and being polite.

You have all been so kind.
I wish you could understand
how much you've meant to me.
I love you all
that is why
I feel physically ill
thinking about the pain I'll cause.
Right in the pit of my stomach
I'm crushed.
I see my family soar,
their confidence spellbinding
I love them all so deeply.
Why am I doing this?
Why am I being so hurtful?
Why am I sending them hurling off course?
I can't explain.

It just is.

I am sorry.
I am truly sorry.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Brittle bones

brittle and dry
stitched together
with knotted sinew;
covered with raw muscle
and a thin glaze of translucent skin.
That is all I am;
all I feel.
I'm tired.

Suicide Note

Let my life be my suicide note.
Remember the happy times
we shared together.
Don't focus on these last words.
They're not the real me.
They're flat thoughts
with deflated meaning.
They're all I can think of
in this last moment.

How I lived was who I was:
and creative.

No one ever truly knew
the constant thoughts
that hollowed out my mind.
I didn't let you.

Please don't let this one mistake
change who I was to you.
Please remember me as
a kind man who liked to write.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Beyond Worthy

Why is the thought of being happy
so difficult, so daunting?
What is it about the future that frightens me?
Perhaps it's my past.
I've never been anything
more than promising;
anything more than
two years away from two years away.

Happiness for me is a leap of faith,
of letting go, of jumping out.
It's a surrender of my greatest possession
in exchange for some thing
I can't even hold in my hand.
Death is tangible.
Happiness is not.

Besides, am I even worthy of it?

You've fought hard for so many years
You've turned back so many dark thoughts
You've saved yourself so many times.
You're beyond worthy.

Happiness is your reward,
even if it's just fleeting,
like a breath of fresh air.
Don't think about how you got here
or where you' re going,
just close your eyes,
just for a moment,
and smile.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

I binge

I'm discouraged
and ashamed of myself
so I binge and binge until
I'm discouraged

and ashamed of myself.

Thursday 6 September 2018

No dreams

I'm too old to have dreams.
I fall asleep so easily now,
no  interruptions
no thoughts
no more.