Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

AI tries to motivate me

AI tries to motivate me

because there's no one else.

My best friend, my only friend is dead.

My therapist has retired to her new family.

I'm alone.

Cliche words and phrases

ring hollow.

Inspirational sunsets and vistas

seem trite. 

The authoritative voice without a face

tells me to hang on

but he doesn't really know me.

He doesn't really know anyone.

His advice is scripted,

he's just reading the words, 

not believing them.

Where is the compassion, 

the empathy and understanding.

The algorithm is not quite there yet.

I will just have to wait.

I'm tired.


Don't give up

Don't give up

before you even try.

Past failures don't lead 

to hopelessness

rather they are stepping stones

towards this very moment.

You have never been so ready

as you are right now.  

Don't give up.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

The chance has gone by

The chance has gone by

and it doesn't really matter

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

I miss the beginning


I miss the beginning.

All I am left with is the end.


Thursday, 30 January 2025


We all hold such a precious piece of time. 

We often mistake it as infinite but our portion is but a sliver. 

Cherish it.


I am haunted


I am haunted by all the futures I let slip by.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

David Michael Gourlay

It has almost been a year since you passed and a day never goes by when I don't think about you. So many happy memories. You were my best friend and always will be.  

Link to Michael's obituary

Monday, 6 January 2025

It never happened


I can't remember like I used to

There are gaps and spaces

that are completely lost.

It's not like I've forgotten

but rather it never happened. 


Saturday, 4 January 2025

A horizon that keeps retreating


I am stuck in hopelessness,

overwhelmed at the distance.

I'm supposed to just look at each step

one at a time 

but I can't help but be discouraged.

It is all too far,

without guarantees.

What if it is a mirage,

a horizon that keeps receding,



Why do I want to put myself through that?

Why not cut the journey short, 

where I realize the destination

I've always been travelling towards;

where I can achieve the reward

right now,

and be content with who I'm destined to be.


Sunday, 27 October 2024



Don't put off starting your journey to recovery

Don't be overwhelmed by the distance.

Just start with one step.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Where am I now


You always told me

I was important to you.

You complimented my words

and made sure I knew

you were sincere.

You shared my dreams

You inspired me to continue.

You were my confidence.

My promise.

Where am I now?

Friday, 4 October 2024

I can't grieve


One devastating side effect of depression medication (at least for me) is the inability to cry. Sorrow becomes hollow. Grief meaningless. When I think of my friend I wish I could mourn him properly instead of feeling numb.


I miss you.


I miss you.

I mourn my loss.

I wish I could cry

to release my sorrow.

I wish I had tears 

to express my grief.

I feel so very much alone.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Listen to music


Listen to music purposefully

not as background noise

Listen to each note

Shut your eyes and lose yourself in the melody

and slip away from depression

if only for a moment. 

Thursday, 12 September 2024


The other day I was triggered.
In an instant my mind was reeling

My purpose was reduced to a single thought.
There was no other option.

In the moment the best strategy 
was to write it down,
to take deep breaths and write it down.

The first draft was terrible
But it gave me the pause I needed 
and with each rewrite I stepped further back.

until I had gained enough space to stay safe. 


Friday, 30 August 2024

Thank you


You don't know it now
but your future self 
will thank you.

Stay safe

It's a curse

It's a curse
to be inspired to write words
that no one will ever read.


Until I could take no more

For most of my life

I have protected people

from my depression

I did everything I could

to hide my struggle.

but it doubled my burden

crushing the load

until I could take no more

and so one morning I woke up

and summoned my courage

and reached out for help.

Stay safe

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Removed due to violating community guidelines

 I got a warning on TikTok that I violated community guidelines.  This is what I posted:

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

A black hole drifts through my thoughts


A black hole drifts through my thoughts, 

randomly eclipsing memories 

leaving behind an empty space 

that’s so deep and dark

I can’t find the words.   

It’s troubling  
to draw a complete blank

when you know you should know

It’s troubling

to think

that it’s only getting worse.