Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Friday 15 March 2024

Thank you for being part of my life

A self confessed curmudgeon

with a cozy Christmas heart.

You were my first friend

at my first full time job

and became my best friend

when we both quit together.

Our humour was the same

our conversations effortless.

You took me to my first drag show

and shared the joy of pride.

You were my first editor

and my best champion

You had the confidence in me

that I never had.

You were the first to listen

the first I told.

And when it was time to go

your hugs were always the best 

You meant so much to me.

It was hard to watch you suffer.

I hope you now have some peace

Thank you Michael

for being a part of my life.

Friday 30 September 2022

First Impression


I posted another short story to ReedsyPrompts entitled First Impression. 

I used the prompt: where I come from

Wednesday 18 December 2019

The future is hard to imagine

The future is hard to imagine
when you already know the end.
The how and why are set,
just waiting for the when.

But ever since the Star appeared
I've followed its constant light;
an invitation from Bethlehem
to witness that holy night.

Embraced in pure compassion, 
the angels choired above.
They sang of the moment's glory
and of a little baby's love.

It's not about the future, 
or knowing about the end
It's not about the waiting
or trying to figure when

It’s all about that moment
that descended from above,
to proclaim the simplest message,
that you and I are loved. 

Thursday 27 July 2017

It is all you want to see

The door has been shut between us and all that is left is a tiny keyhole to peer through.  It does not allow a complete picture but you do not care. It is all you want to see.

Sunday 16 July 2017

We don't take pictures anymore

We don't take pictures of each other anymore.
We don't even look.
There is so much we can say to each other.
We don't even listen.
How did we end up on opposite sides
so very far apart?
When did we even start down such different paths?
Where was that first misplaced step,
that first misspoke word
that set us on such separate courses?

Thursday 13 July 2017

I miss you

I miss you.
Where we once wandered, now we walk
with the stars forgotten at our feet.

Sunday 5 March 2017


The constellation Orion makes sense from only one point in the universe. 
It's pattern is distinct from only one perspective.
Each of the stars, even the nebula itself
has absolutely no connection to the others except from here.
So how remarkable is it that I can trace them with my finger,
and draw their meaning from my memory straight from my heart to yours!
It doesn't make us any closer 
nor does it make the miles fall away
but it reminds me that you're mine; 
that wonderfully unlikely part of my ordinary life.

Thursday 26 January 2017


I found the perfect hiding spot years ago. No one ever noticed me.  Very quiet.  Very secure.

Then I took one little peek out, just to take a look.  I was not even really sure I wanted to be found. And suddenly you spotted me.

It has been very lonely in here but also very safe. 

Somehow you have convinced me it is time to come out of hiding. I trusted you. You took my hand in yours, and coaxed me with such kind words. 

What were the chances you would be looking at just the right time?  It was only a little peek, for the briefest of moments.  And you spotted me!

Thank you.

Today I want you to find a stone,

Today I want you to find a stone,
a small smooth stone
that fits into the palm of your hand.

It's not shiny or colourful.
It doesn't have a professional polish.
You will not find it at the store.
And it's not inside your house.

It's somewhere outside on the ground.
where you walk by everyday
when you are heading to your car
or on your way to the park.

When you spot it, you'll know.
Everyone else sees an ordinary stone
but you'll see why it's special.

I want you to pick it up
and hold it in your hand,
first with your fingers out flat.
Feel the weight.
You'll know it's just right.

Now close your fingers tight around it.
It should fit perfectly into the space.
No part of it should show,
completely protected in your hand.

There's no need to carve the stone.
There's no need to stretch your hand.
It just fits, perfectly.

Your hand will not grow any bigger.
The stone will not change 
its shape or size.
It will always fit,
just as the first day you found it.

Don't ever try to be more of "what I want".
You already are.


My favourite constellation is Orion.
I like it first and foremost
because on a cold clear winter night
it is easy to find in the sky.
The four corner stars are very bright.

Once you find it
and your eyes adjust to the darkness,
you can discern his belt,
the three dimmer stars across the middle.

If you keep looking
and the night is just right,
you can see his dagger hanging off his belt:
even dimmer stars in a column.

And on very special nights,
far from cities and stress
you can actually see the Great Orion Nebula -
a cloud of interstellar gases
where stars are actually born.

With each thought we share,
each story, picture and sound,
we see a little more of each other.
I am certain if we keep looking,
on a very special night,
far from our daily lives,
we will discover the universe together.


Airships are another visual interest of mine. Massive in size and yet lighter than air. They have smooth clean lines and float effortlessly across the sky. I find the deep drone of their lazy engines intoxicating.

They are now abandoned to another time when they were considered the beginning of a fantastic new future. I find the whole idea spellbinding.

They inspired such optimism and yet were finally abandoned due to their vulnerability. They were only designed for passenger comfort and peace. They were useless in conflict.

Travel with me around the world in our own airship.  One we both constructed long ago with such optimism but later felt compelled to abandon. Life got in the way.

But now the time is right.  The winds are calm unexpectedly.  The engines drone and push us free of the mooring mast. We float gently above the clouds and for once are at peace with our vulnerabilities.

The journey we both prepared for, hoped for, long ago is finally on its way.