I can't remember like I used to
There are gaps and spaces
that are completely lost.
It's not like I've forgotten
but rather it never happened.
I can't remember like I used to
There are gaps and spaces
that are completely lost.
It's not like I've forgotten
but rather it never happened.
A black hole drifts through my thoughts,
randomly eclipsing memories
leaving behind an empty space
that’s so deep and dark
I can’t find the words.
It’s troubling
to draw a complete blankwhen you know you should know
It’s troublingto think
that it’s only getting worse.
I think of you every day.and miss you all the more.
I need a friend;
someone to listen,
someone to share my life.
I need you
I'm alone.
I am forgetting more and more, so much so I don't even realize it. No longer are my thoughts stumbling around my head struggling to get out and be recognized. Now it is all just a hole plastered over and painted hiding the fact it was ever there. |