Showing posts with label tumblr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tumblr. Show all posts

Sunday 27 June 2021

Excerpt from Oblivion: Outsiders

Early on in my life I realized that there were “outsiders”, those who were picked-on, excluded and made fun of and so I made it my ambition to never stand-out.  In the media, in entertainment, the outsiders are glorified and made triumphant (Revenge of the Nerds, Forest Gump, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) but in reality, everyone knows this is a quaint fantasy.  

Most people are not capable of opinion altering feats, in fact most people are never even given the opportunity. They’re classified and excluded from the reindeer games forever.   My chameleon abilities allowed me to befriend teachers and bullies, gays and geeks.  No matter the situation, I was never an outsider.  I never had to prove myself worthy because no one really took notice. It was a comfort to barely exist.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

If instead of when

I wish I could be confident in the future,
that suicide was an if
not a when,
only a possibility
not inevitable,
but I can't make that jump,
the gap is too large.

Tuesday 18 August 2020


I suffer from a lack of resilience.
I stumble at the first hurdle
and clutch suicide to break my fall.

It is not about getting back up
rather it's the peace of just laying there
regardless of what others say. 

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Cognitive constriction

I'll wait here
hidden behind your happy thoughts,
biding my time
while you smile and laugh.
I mingle in your every breath.
and feel your air rush through my fingers
knowing that one day
I will close my fist.
No one will see it coming.
Not even you.
Only in the moment
of cognitive constriction
will you realize
it's finally over. 

Saturday 16 November 2019

Thank you

"You are important to me."

Your words stop my thoughts.
They aren't a plea
or a platitude.
I didn't solicit them.
You didn't buy them in card.
They are a statement, 
a declaration
that came straight from your heart,
meant only for me.

Thank you

Wednesday 13 November 2019


I can hear all the people
calling me back,
searching the wilderness for me,
praying outloud,
shouting my name.
Why don't they leave me alone? 
Why can't they be quiet,
and listen to the birds,
like I do;
their cheery call,
echoing back and forth?

Just listen.
Don't use words.
Just breath,
and listen
and you'll understand why.

Let me go.

Sunday 20 October 2019

I have an addiction

I have an addiction.
Not with a bottle
or a needle
or with lusts and desires.

It's where I go,
by my darkest thoughts,
where I find relief
or at least solace,
where I stop
and stand my ground,
no longer helpless,
my life in hand,
where that feeling,
that power
washes over me,
to stand at the edge
to not turn away,
where eternity
for a moment
s mine

Thursday 12 September 2019

Things end

I want to stay
but I don't know how.
I don't have the courage to live,
but I'm fearless
in the face of death.
There's no why's, 
no if's or but's
it's just the way it is.
Things end.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Golden Gate bridge

When you jump off
the Golden Gate bridge
you have 4 seconds
before you hit the water.
According to those few
who have actually survived the jump
the first 2 seconds are fine,
surreal and serene, 
but on the third
your survival instincts kick in;
regret overwhelms your thoughts;
your limbs flail about
desperate to slow your fall.
It is the third second that matters
that's the barrier
you have to push through;
that moment
that demands your resolve.
Anticipate it
and be ready 
to overcome. 

Suicide is not about life or death

Suicide is not about life or death 
but rather hope or hopelessness. 
It rushes into the vacuum 
that despair leaves behind. 
It gives purpose 
when all reason is gone. 
It fills a moment 
with eternity,
and gives confidence,
where none belongs. 
It is fearless and fearsome
and never betrays your weakness
It celebrates your strength, 
your power to overcome 
the impulse to stop 
the impulse to accept and settle 
the impulse to live a hopeless life. 
It's the answer to "why bother" 
The remedy to despair 
And the only solution that resonates 
When all hope is gone.

Monday 29 July 2019

Leading to one conclusion

Nothing has happened. 
It's all in my head:
so many thoughts all at once.
I have to lay down.
I feel sick to my stomach.
My head is pounding,
sweat beads on my forehead.
My breathing stumbles.
I can't catch a thought.
I can't focus or be mindful.
I'm just confused,
too many thoughts
leading to one conclusion. 

Monday 22 July 2019

When they were bullied, I was too.

When they were bullied, I was too.
I made note of the target
his tragic flaws
and what made him so susceptible to abuse.
Then I made sure
I never made the same mistake myself.
I lived my life in fear of being bullied.
I'm sorry to those I let down
I should have been there for you.
Instead I ran away and hid.

Monday 17 June 2019

My last breath

Please let me take my last breath
as I settle off to sleep.
Let my limbs sink
Please release me
and let me float away


Friday 14 June 2019

Stop chasing the horizon

Stop chasing the horizon.
Don't you know by now
that it can never be reached.
It's a vision,
a vista
of broad blue skies
and glorious sunsets.
It's a dream,
a deep breath
meant to inspire,
not be fulfilled.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Seven years ago

Seven years ago today
I watched as she took her last breath.
The laboured sound
that had wheezed for hours,
suddenly stopped.
It was over.
And in that instant
everything about her
became a memory.

I miss you Mom. 

Saturday 8 June 2019


I set a goal for myself,
to write one word today,
nothing ambitious
or profound,
just one word
to start again,
just one word
to show the way.


Thursday 14 March 2019

Spontaneous affection

Spontaneous affection,
just a hug
is all I need,
a pure moment
without motive

Thursday 26 January 2017


My favourite constellation is Orion.
I like it first and foremost
because on a cold clear winter night
it is easy to find in the sky.
The four corner stars are very bright.

Once you find it
and your eyes adjust to the darkness,
you can discern his belt,
the three dimmer stars across the middle.

If you keep looking
and the night is just right,
you can see his dagger hanging off his belt:
even dimmer stars in a column.

And on very special nights,
far from cities and stress
you can actually see the Great Orion Nebula -
a cloud of interstellar gases
where stars are actually born.

With each thought we share,
each story, picture and sound,
we see a little more of each other.
I am certain if we keep looking,
on a very special night,
far from our daily lives,
we will discover the universe together.