Wednesday 22 May 2024

It starts with an idea.


It starts with an idea,

a word

a turn of phrase

a simple tune. 

then a chord

some harmonies

and a catchy bass line

the rush as it all comes together

practised and refined 


finally it is ready!

Next comes the money

beg, borrow and steal

rent the studio

hire the sound engineer.

to create the digital code

Get an agent

or sign with a label

or do it all yourself

You release your original content    

and I hear it!

Over the tinnie grocery store speakers

as I restock the shelf.

I don't recognise the tune

it is simply sound meant to soften 

the murmur of shoppers 

and their squeaky carts 

It's not familiar

and never will be 

it's white noise that 

I'll never hear again.   

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