Saturday 5 October 2024

Where am I now


You always told me

I was important to you.

You complimented my words

and made sure I knew

you were sincere.

You shared my dreams

You inspired me to continue.

You were my confidence.

My promise.

Where am I now?

Friday 4 October 2024

I can't grieve


One devastating side effect of depression medication (at least for me) is the inability to cry. Sorrow becomes hollow. Grief meaningless. When I think of my friend I wish I could mourn him properly instead of feeling numb.


I miss you.


I miss you.

I mourn my loss.

I wish I could cry

to release my sorrow.

I wish I had tears 

to express my grief.

I feel so very much alone.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Listen to music


Listen to music purposefully

not as background noise

Listen to each note

Shut your eyes and lose yourself in the melody

and slip away from depression

if only for a moment. 

Thursday 12 September 2024


The other day I was triggered.
In an instant my mind was reeling

My purpose was reduced to a single thought.
There was no other option.

In the moment the best strategy 
was to write it down,
to take deep breaths and write it down.

The first draft was terrible
But it gave me the pause I needed 
and with each rewrite I stepped further back.

until I had gained enough space to stay safe. 


Friday 30 August 2024

Thank you


You don't know it now
but your future self 
will thank you.

Stay safe

It's a curse

It's a curse
to be inspired to write words
that no one will ever read.